Monday, December 7, 2009

Murphy is alive and well and living with us.

Well, Murphy's Law is working overtime again. John was recently working on our house and injured himself, tearing the bicep muscle in his left arm off the tendon. For a week we didn't know what he'd done to himself. All we knew was that he was in tremendous pain. The options were broken arm (the most preferable scenario), burst muscle or bicep tendon torn off the bone. When the surgeon examined him he announced that it was the latter and John had emergency surgery two days later in Cairns. Five days later he was told by the surgeon that the tendon had torn off the muscle not the bone - still not good but certainly better than the other. So here he is, now in a full cast from shoulder to wrist and he is going nuts. He can't work on the boat, he can't work on the house - although he tries to do a few small jobs. With a number of people showing interest in Sokari it is very inconvenient not to be able to get some of the cosmetic jobs finished. John was so depressed at his inability to do these jobs that he decided to drop the price from $260K to $248K for a month only. I know that as soon as he feels better, he will realise that we shouldn't do this and the price will go back up. He's just feeling a bit down right now. Sokari's a good boat, she has been our home for a lot of years and has always looked after us. We would trust her to take us anywhere in the world.