Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Note to potential buyers

We are receiving a lot of interest in Sokari, lots of emails and phone calls. We respond to all emails received and are always happy to discuss her with anyone who is genuinely interested and to show people over her. If you are only browsing the boats and not really serious about buying, we would appreciate it if you would tell us. We'll still give you advice over the phone or by email if that's what you are after. If, on the other hand, you are really interested in Sokari, and wish to arrange an inspection, we'd appreciate it if you would do us the courtesy of giving us advance notice so that we can make arrangements to travel down to meet you.

We understand that everyone is looking for a bargain and there are some to be found. While we are negotiable on the price we have a limit and it's obviously not as low as some would like. We would, however, look at a real estate trade. But talk to us. Our phone number is 0418 886 794 so if interested you can ring us and have a chat. We do occasionally receive emails instructing us to "ring me" but we simply can't ring everyone who contacts us. If you can't afford a phone call, you can't afford the boat. If you're not prepared to ring, you aren't really interested.

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